Advanced design of welded products

The course is developed as an extension of the course 'Design of Welded Products' for those who have participated in this course and wish to delve deeper into the analysis of welded structures."
The course is also recommended for advanced designers and calculation engineers who have basic knowledge of the design of welded products. In addition to calculating the weld joint itself, general design issues that are often encountered in the design of welded structures are also addressed. For example, topics such as torsion of open thin-walled sections, residual stresses, instability, yielding, and ultimate load analysis are explored in greater depth and detail.
Within the fatigue domain, course participants will have the opportunity to perform Fracture Mechanics calculations, Cumulative damage analyses, and assess collected load spectra to translate them into dimensioned load cases/service life estimations. Participants are welcome to bring their own design problems/load spectra to the course.
Prerequisites: At least a 3-year high school level. Proficiency in strength of materials. Experience in the design of welded products.
Day 1: Statically Loaded Structures
- Torsion according to Saint-Venant and Vlasov (Warping).
- Systematic analysis of open thin-walled sections subjected to torsion.
- Residual stresses, instability.
- Plasticized cross-sections and ultimate load analysis.
Day 2: Structures exposed to fatigue.
- Fracture mechanics analysis of welded structures.
- In-depth analysis of fatigue-loaded structures.
- Comparison between different design codes.
- Multiaxial stress conditions in fatigue.
- Collection of load spectra and cumulative damage analyses.
- Discussions and distribution of practice examples.
Day 3: Common review and solution of practice exercises
- Advice and tips on building FEM models.
- Modeling techniques for beam, shell, and solid models.
- Handling of singular points.
- Evaluation using the method of nominal stresses, the Hot Spot method, and the Effective Notch method.