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New Handbook available

Your product development can be more effective

and your products can be lighter, stronger, and at the same time less expensive.

- How?

By reducing the uncertainties and increasing the accuracy of theoretical analyses, which can be achieved by supportive field measurements and rig tests.

One important subject covered in this new handbook is how to translate measured data into usable input for theoretical analyses, and how to find suitable measurement positions.

Another important subject that is covered is how to perform and verify rig tests, based on measurements and theoretical analyses.

Several methods for analyzing, measuring, and testing steel structures subjected to fatigue are also presented and discussed.

Since the risk for errors and misinterpretations is great when assessing fatigue strength, several ways of conducting check-ups are provided.

A comprehensive generic example is also included, showing the benefits of using a combination of theoretical analyses, measurements and testing when assessing the fatigue strength of welded structures.

This handbook was primarily written for use within the industry, but it is also appropriate for use at universities or for further education.

Table of content:

1. Fatigue strength of welded structures. 2. Assessment methods. 3. Measuring equipment. 4. Analyzing measured data. 5. Planning and conducting measurements. 6. Using measured data to determine loads for theoretical analyses. 7. Using theoretical methods to determine structural loads. 8. Fatigue testing of welded joints. 9. Rig tests of components and entire structures. 10. Generic example - Theoretical analysis. 11. Generic example - Measuring. 12. Generic example - Testing. 13. Generic example - Summary and results. 14. Appendix.


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